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The company is based in the city of Hersonissos in the Prefecture of Heraklion in Crete, Greece.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us, please check the following list of Frequently Asked Questions, which might assist you in your quest for answers!

What is marismagnetics?

Marismagnetics is a spin off company of the University of Crete, has the legal form of a Private Capital Company and started its operation in February 2016. The company is active in the implementation of innovative business plans in the field of applications related to the introduction and optimization of innovative measurement techniques in the OMS Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems (MRIs).

What is your main revenue source?

The main source of revenue of the company is the provision of quality assurance services (systematic quality controls) in OMC systems that are installed in public and private health organizations. The company provides training and technical consulting services on clinical operation of OMC systems (design of clinical imaging protocols) and quality assurance of OMC systems through telematic services.

Where are you located?

The company is based in the city of Hersonissos in the Prefecture of Heraklion in Crete, Greece.

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